Selected filters:
- Gender/Hand: Mens/Right
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Like New | Lob Wedge | 58°-10° (Bounce) S Grind | Steel | Wedge | True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel | Standard | Standard |
Details: True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel Wedge
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Very Good | Sand Wedge | 56°-10° (Bounce) S Grind | Steel | Wedge | True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel | Standard | Standard |
Details: True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel Wedge
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Good | Lob Wedge | 60°-10° (Bounce) S Grind | Steel | Wedge | True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel | Standard | Standard |
Details: True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel Wedge
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Like New | Sand Wedge | 56°-10° (Bounce) S Grind | Steel | Wedge | True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel | Standard | Standard |
Details: True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel Wedge
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Like New | Sand Wedge | 56°-12° (Bounce) W Grind | Steel | Wedge | True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel | Standard | Standard |
Details: True Temper Dynamic Gold Spinner 115 Steel Wedge
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: |
Very Good | Sand Wedge | 54°-13° (Bounce) | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: MMT 50 Graphite | Flex: Womens | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: 34.50 in | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed | Mens head, womens shaft, custom white and black ferrule
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: |
Very Good | Lob Wedge | 58°-13°(Bounce) | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: MMT 50 Graphite | Flex: Womens | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: 34.25 in | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed | Mens head, womens shaft custom white and black ferrule
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: |
Average | Pitching Wedge | 46°-10° (Bounce) F Grind | Steel |
Details: Custom "PN" engraved on head in green
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: |
Average | Sand Wedge | 54°-12° (Bounce) D Grind | Steel |
Details: | Shaft Type: Steel | Flex: Wedge | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | burr balls pee-paw stamped on the head | shaft graphics unreadable
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: |
Average | Gap Wedge | 50°-08° (Bounce) F Grind | Steel |
Details: | Shaft Type: Steel | Flex: Wedge | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | we going on a walk stamped on the head | shaft graphics unreadable
Condition: | Club: | Loft: | Material: |
Average | Lob Wedge | 58°-12° (Bounce) D Grind | Steel |
Details: | Shaft Type: titlest steel | Flex: XStiff | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | sarah engraved