Selected filters:
- Gender/Hand: Mens/Right
Condition: | Club: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Average | 9 Iron | Graphite | Stiff | Mitsubishi MMT 80 HB Graphite | Standard | + 3/4 in |
Details: Rock gouge on heel area of sole will not affect playability
Condition: | Club: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Good | 7 Iron | Graphite | Regular | UST Mamiya Recoil Dart 65 Graphite | Standard | Standard |
Details: UST Mamiya Recoil Dart 65 Graphite Regular
Condition: | Club: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Very Good | 7 Iron | Steel | 5.5 | Project X Rifle 105 Tour Flighted Steel | Standard | Standard |
Details: Project X Rifle 105 Tour Flighted Steel 5.5
Condition: | Club: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Very Good | 7 Iron | Graphite | Regular | UST Mamiya Recoil Dart 65 Graphite | Standard | Standard |
Details: UST Mamiya Recoil Dart 65 Graphite Regular
Condition: | Club: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Average | 8 Iron | Graphite | Regular | Penley SFS Platinum Graphite | Standard | Standard |
Details: Non factory re-shaft / Standard length
Condition: | Club: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Like New | 6 Iron | Graphite | Regular | UST Mamiya ATTAS 23 Speed Series Black 50 HY/IR Graphite | Standard | Standard |
Details: UST Mamiya ATTAS 23 Speed Series Black 50 HY/IR Graphite Regular
Condition: | Club: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Like New | 7 Iron | Graphite | Regular | UST Mamiya Recoil Dart 65 Graphite | Standard | Standard |
Details: UST Mamiya Recoil Dart 65 Graphite Regular
Condition: | Club: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Very Good | 7 Iron | Graphite | Light | Aldila Ascent PL Blue 50 HB/IR Graphite | Standard | Standard |
Details: Aldila Ascent PL Blue 50 HB/IR Graphite Light
Condition: | Club: | Material: |
Good | 7 Iron | Steel |
Details: | Shaft Type: Dynamic Gold MID 115 Steel | Flex: S300 (Stiff) | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | 23 forged stamped on the hosel
Condition: | Club: | Material: |
Very Good | 7 Iron | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: LAGP- A SERIES 85 Graphite | Flex: Stiff | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed |
Condition: | Club: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Good | 7 Iron | Steel | 6.0 | Project X LS Steel | Standard | Standard |
Details: Project X LS Steel 6.0